RCOE Mathematics Clinic

Appalachian State University is the first university in the University of North Carolina System, and one of a few in the nation, to establish a mathematics clinic as part of its special education teacher preparation. Initial funding provided through the Chancellor’s Innovation Grant (read more). 

Led by the following faculty: 

The Reich College of Education Mathematics Clinic provides effective instruction for struggling students as well as practice-based experiences for teacher education majors.


The RCOE Mathematics Clinic serves High Country and Hickory 1st-4th grade students who have disabilities or who struggle with mathematics.

One-on-one and small group instruction is provided two days a week from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on App State’s Boone and Hickory campuses. 

Would you like your students to participate? Contact rcoemathematicsclinic@appstate.edu for more information or complete the interest form. The clinic will be accepting new students in Fall 2025.

App State Students

The RCOE Mathematics Clinic provides practice-based experiences for App State special education and elementary education teacher candidates to work directly with students who have disabilities or who struggle with mathematics. The teacher candidates are trained to deliver data-based, individualized instruction based on each child’s specific strengths and needs.