
The Mathematics and Science Education Center provides a Resource Lending Library with STEM manipulatives and books for checkout to AppState faculty, students, and regional educators.

Check out this video for more information on our Resource Library: 


Checkout Times

Faculty - two weeks
Students - one week
Educators - two weeks

Robotics - one semester (Fall/Spring); not eligible for summer checkout

Items may be returned to the After Hours Return bin anytime the RCOE is open, Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Request an item for after-hours pick up here.

Available Resources

View our current math inventory.

View our current science inventory.

View our current robotics inventory.

Don't see what you need? Make a request here!

Register to bring your class for a tour here!

Services for Teachers

Teachers participating in the New Teacher Support group may request materials through their NTS coach to be brought to and picked up from their school.

Teachers may submit a request to have materials picked up at their local public library in Ashe, Watauga, and Wilkes counties.

Services for Faculty

The Mathematics and Science Education Center continues to support faculty and students by providing access to its library of materials and resources.  If you are a faculty member and have specific requests for your course or would like to brainstorm about your current needs with our staff, contact Leah McManus Greer for a consultation regarding your needs.