Affiliate Faculty of the MSEC represent a dynamic network of faculty members of varied ranks and areas of expertise who demonstrate high levels of commitments to STEM education and support the center's mission of serving learners across the P-20 spectrum. Affiliate Faculty contribute to the center through outreach in the community, service to the STEM disciplines, and scholarship in STEM and STEM education.
Affiliate Faculty receive support from the MSEC in organizing and delivering professional development and in connecting to a broader network of school partners and other collaborators. They also benefit from prioritized registration for professional development for faculty, recognition on the MSEC website, assistance with planning or implementing outeach events or grant submissions.
Affiliate Faculty contribute to the MSEC mission while advancing their own personal and professional development. This may include leading a STEM activity or outreach event or serving on a committee for the MSEC. Affiliate Faculty also meet once per semester with the MSEC to provide feedback and share ideas for future activities of the MSEC.
Who are our affiliate faculty?
Affiliate Faculty are selected each year during an application process and can serve in a three year affiliation with an option to renew. Click on the names of each faculty member to learn more about each of them:
- Rachel Askew
- Yejun Bae
- Thomas Brown
- Daniel Caton
- Teena Coats
- Tonya Coffey
- Peter Ejidike
- Scott Evans
- Khadija Fouad
- Damiana Gibbons Pyles
- Mark Ginn
- Sarah Greenwald
- Vicente Handa
- Brooke Hester
- Madeline Hinckle
- Lianne Jones
- Yeganeh Madadi
- Dominick Manusos
- Eric Marland
- Katie Mawhinney
- Carly Mize
- Quinn Morris
- Lisa Poling
- Carla Ramsdell
- Zach Russell
- Joel Sanqui
- Erica Slate Young
- Kevin Sutton
- Marta Toran
- Shea Tuberty
- Cacey Wells
- Ashley Whitehead
- Rachel Wilson
- Jason Xiong
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